Roots Birth & Women’s Health
Our Philosophy
As midwives, we believe:
- Every woman has the right to safe, evidence-based, supportive, unbiased, and holistic healthcare. We are committed to treating each of our patients with dignity and respect, honoring their unique values and goals.
- Puberty, pregnancy, birth, and menopause are all normal, healthy processes in a woman’s life. However, variations and complications can arise. As midwives, we are trained to recognize complications and either manage them within our scope of practice or make timely and appropriate referrals to trusted colleagues.
- We are committed to practicing shared decision-making. This means that we will provide you with the evidence, knowledge, and recommendations that you need to make the right decisions for you and your family.
- We believe in the power of families. Everyone’s definition of family is different, and we welcome your family members, including your kids, to participate in your care.
- Women’s healthcare is intersectional. We welcome and support all patients regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, family structure, income, or language. We acknowledge the profound impacts of racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination on women’s health and strive to create a space that is welcoming, affirming, and free of racism and bias.