Roots Birth & Women’s Health

We partner with Community Medical Center (CMC) for all of our labors and deliveries. 

While your options in labor will shift based on the presence of any complications and the use of any pain medications, standard practices with the Roots midwives include: 

  • Midwifery support throughout your labor
  • Freedom to move, including laboring in the tub
  • Eating and drinking in labor
  • Intermittent fetal monitoring
  • The ability to birth in a variety of positions
  • Delayed cord clamping
  • Immediate skin to skin for the first hour after birth
  • Delayed baths for babies
  • Breastfeeding support
Additional members of your care team:
  • We welcome doulas; ask us for a list of local birth workers!
  • If there is a complication or need for a surgical birth (C-section), we have access to 24/7 backup from obstetricians. If a cesarean birth is needed, we will help to facilitate a family-centered cesarean birth, including the option of immediate skin to skin with your baby.
  • We have great relationships with the CMC nurses and love that they respect our client's birth wishes and have the skills they need to support labor, birth, and breastfeeding.